Портал профессионального сообщества
Эндрю Самуэлс
You are at the official website of the Ural Association of Analytical Psychology. You are welcomed to take part in any our projects.
An adaptable communicative environment’s creating, favouring the professional activities’ optimisation in the depth psychology field and professional skill developing of the UrAAP members.
Theoretical and applied aspects developing of the Jung’s metamodel.
Researching and practical use of the Analytical psychology and the modern Psychoanalysis two-way influence results.
Exploration of efficient interaction potential with other closely-related fields of knowledge (philosophy, social science, medicine, pedagogics etcetera).
Organization of efficient cooperation with other communities concerned with depth psychology.
Popularization of the Jungian psychology ideas and approaches and their social advancement.
Integration into the Russian and into the International Jungian movement.
Organization of supervisor’s support (professional mutual help).
Translations into Russian of jungian publications
Publication of the regular subject magazine (“Temenos”, the miscellany of psycological articles).
Technical support of the information source “Ural Association of Analytical Psychology website”
Theme yearly conferences organization (twice a year periodicity).
Support and development of the UrAAP active projects.
Workshops conducting for local and arrived specialists.